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Improvements and Struggles in Writing

Afia Osei Boahen

I did not know what I would be taught and what I would learn when I first started my writing class (fiqws). I always believed that my writing needed more work and in order to do that, I needed to understand the material that was being presented. Since the start of the fall semester,  I believe that my writing has improved a bit and I am really happy and thankful for it. I first struggled with coming up with a specific research question, after feedback from my instructor, we discussed ways of coming up with a specific research question, though I was able to come up with a specific topic for my journal script, I still need to learn how to come up with specific research questions. I am proud that I was able to stay on topic on my journal script, which is an improvement on my side, however, I struggle with how to structure my essays when I am writing a paper for class, run on sentences and having more critical engagement with other sources. Tackling these problems would pave the way for the other problems that I am yet to identify in my writings and solve them accordingly for me to be a better writer.